What we actually do
We believe that investing done right is based on individual values and priorities.
So what exactly do we do and how can we help? There are many steps but we always make sure we diagnose before we prescribe.
It allows us to fully understand your situation and find out what is really important. It provides our clients with confidence to move forward in life regardless of its challenges.
The first meeting
The objective of our first meeting is to gain a better understanding of who you are. We will ask you a lot of questions and discuss any ideas you might have and any opportunities that you may wish to explore. This may include:
- Your values, aspirations and dreams
- Any challenges or frustrations you are facing
- Your current lifestyle
- Your current attitude towards money and wealth; and
- Your previous experiences with money and investing
We are interested in your individual pathways based on your own financial reality and values.
We know that these can often be difficult conversations to have, and we hope you won’t think we are being nosey but the more we know about you, the better our advice will be.
Putting the pieces together
After we agree on the scope of advice, we will start drafting your tailored strategy which involves collaborations from our unique advice board and our technical team. When creating your very own personal financial plan we will:
- Always act in your best interest
- Create and quantify your financial goals
- Explore and discuss options that are aligned with your objectives
- Consider a wide range of alternative strategies and products to find the best fit for you
- Explain our chosen strategy and why it is the most appropriate for you
- Disclose all fees
- Explain the steps involved to implement our advice
Tracking your progress
Once we create and implement the initial plan, the financial planning process continues, and the real work begins. You now have a team monitoring your strategy, and someone you can call upon who knows your goals and situation thoroughly, and who has the expertise and support to answer any questions, big or small. As you move through various stages in your life, and as circumstances change both for the good and the not so good, we will be there to assist you to minimise the bad and make the most of the good.
To ensure you remain on the path to achieving your goals, a regular progress check-up of your financial plan is imperative. This is because there are a myriad of legislative and legal changes which have an impact on your personal circumstances; not to mention the changes that occur organically in your life.
When maintaining and reviewing your strategies we will:
- Encourage you to be as active as you want to be in the ongoing running of your plans
- Ensure you don’t miss any opportunities that may arise via legislative change or otherwise
- Track your financial goals so you’ll know how you’re progressing
- Be in a regular contact with you to keep you up to date
- Invite you to meet with us as per our agreed agreement
You love this approach, but have a few more questions?
We are always here to help guide you on your financial journey. Contact us for advice on how to get started or have your current situation reviewed, book a coffee or call us on 02 9328 0876.